January 16, 2024
Bid Notice
< RFP No. 2023-B20240003-00>
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for RFP for the Procurement
of Dome Friction Stir Welding Machine for KSLV-III Propellant Tank.
The following is an outline of the requirements, and potential Bidders are requested to carefully review following
instructions and to submit their Proposals in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of this Bid Notice.
1. Main Scope
Item: the Procurement of Dome Friction Stir Welding Machine for KSLV-III Propellant Tank
Contract Period: From Contract execution to 19 months
Allocated Budget: EUR 4,489,677
Method of Contract: a two-step simultaneous competitive bid (lowest bid price) under Article 18 of
2. Qualification of Bidders
Bidder shall be qualified under Article 12 “Requirements to Participate in Competitive Tender” of the Decree.
3. Submission of Proposal
Printed A4 seven (7) technical proposals (one (1) original and six (6) copies) and two (2) price proposal
hand-carried or sent via registered courier service to KARI personnel or his designee within before Bid
Closing Date and Time. If submitted by a deputy, she/he shall submit the power of attorney and a copy of
his identification.
The Bid currency is EUR but other currency could be accepted.
Bid Closing Date and Time: February 2, 2024 15:00 Korean Local Time
Bid opening and declaration of Successful Bidder: To be informed to bidders
※ The proposal submitted after the designated date and time shall be considered as invalid.
4. Bid Bond
Bidder shall establish a bid bond in favor of KARI before the Bid Closing Date and Time.
The total amount of the bid bond shall be at least five (5) percent of total bid value and shall be valid for at
least three (3) months from the Bid Closing Date and Time.
The bid bond currency is EUR but other currency could be accepted.
The bid bond shall be issued by the Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company in the form of a surety bond or by
first class international bank in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit and advised through “Woori Bank”
(Daejeon Branch at 29 Munye-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 35241 Korea, Tel:+82-42-488-9704, Ext.312) or cash or
other means of gurantee acceptable to KARI. The bond shall be available by KARI’s request on the Seoul
Guarantee Insurance Company or by KARI’s draft at sight drawn on the bank, accompanied by the statement
of KARI stating that Bidder has refused to enter into a contract with the terms and conditions in the proposal
as amended, if any, that Bidder has hindered the fair bidding by fraud or mispresentation, or that Bidder
has withdrawn its Proposal after the Bid Closing Date.
The bid bonds will be released to unsuccessful Bidders at the time of contract award, and to Successful
Bidder at the request of such Bidder when the purpose of the security is achieved, without interest.
For cash deposit:
Beneficiary‘s bank including address
Woori Bank, Daejeon Banking Center, located at 1495,
Doonsan-dong, Yusung-gu, Dajeon, Republic of Korea
Beneficiary‘s Name
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
Account Number
5. Acceptance/Rejection of Bids
KARI reserves the right to accept or reject any Bidding, and to amend the Bidding process and reject all
Bidding at any time prior to the award of the Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
Bidder(s), nor is KARI under any obligation to inform the affected Bidder(s) of the ground for its action.
6. Selection of Successful Bidder
Amongst Bidders who received eighty (85) points or higher in technical evaluation out of one hundred (100)
points, the Bidder with the lowest price under budget price shall be selected as the Successful Bidder.
If Bidder’s proposed price is in a currency other than the currency of the estimated budget specified in this
bid notice, then for the conversion of the Bidder’s proposed price, the 1st basic exchange rate announced
by of KEB Hana Bank on the price evaluation date shall be used.
In case of tie in price evaluation, the Successful Bidder shall be determined by drawing lots.
7. Notice
The Bidder shall have full understanding of all matters necessary for this Bidding including the RFP prior to
making the bid and shall be responsible for any and all disadvantages arising from insufficient
The Bidder shall prepare and submit the proposal as instructed in the bid notice and RFP, and be liable for
any losses arising from its submission of any proposal that does not satisfy any of bid notice and RFP.
The Bidder shall prepare the Proposal in truth. In case that any content of the Proposal is founded to be a
false later, KARI may terminate or cancel the Contract even after the Contract is executed.
All documents submitted in response to the RFP including the Proposal for this Bidding shall not be returned.
All expenses incurred by Bidder in connection with its Proposal for this Bidding are for its own account and
KARI will not disclose the evaluation result of Bidder’s Proposal.
If any Bidder is bankrupted or insolvent as of the date of this bid notice, such Bidder shall not be allowed
to participate in this Bidding.
Bidders are required to keep confidential any data and information acquired in the Contract award. If any
Bidder violates it, such Bidder may assume civil and criminal liability, sanction for inappropriate business
entity, and other disadvantages (such as penalty for security violation, subtraction of evaluation scores in
future biddings, etc.)
8. Specifications
Please refer to the RFP attached.
9. For further details, please contact the following designee.
Contractual matters
Technical matters
Overseas Contract Office
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
169-84 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-Gu,
Daejeon 34133, Korea
Tel : +82-42-860-2613, Fax : +82-42-879-4370
E-mail : yeseulkim@kari.re.kr (Yeseul KIM)
Launch Vehicle Technology Research Division (1)
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)
169-84 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-Gu
Daejeon, 34133, Korea
Tel : +82-42-860-2951
E-mail : mcshin@kari.re.kr (Mincheol SHIN)