February 14, 2023
Bid Summary
< No. 20230222151-00 >
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) invites a public tender from eligible Bidders for
procurement of C103 Niobium al oy Spherical Powder.
The fol owing is an outline of the requirements, so potential Bidders are requested to careful y review
the fol owing instructions and to submit their Proposals in accordance with the guidelines and
requirements as contained in the Bid Summary.
1. Main Scope
- Item:
C103 Niobium al oy Spherical Powder
- Quantity: For the details, please refer to the Item Requirements
- Contract Period: 3months from the Effective Date of Contract
[note] Depending on the export license matter, delivery schedule can be adjusted.
- Estimated Budget: EUR 39,100.00
- Method of Contract: a competitive Bid (the lowest Bid price)
- Delivery Term: CIP Incheon airport (INCOTERMS 2020)
- Warranty Period: 1 year after the delivery
2. Qualification of Bidders
- Bidder shal be qualified for Article 12. Requirements to Participate in Competitive Tender by law,
3. Submission of Proposal
- The proposal and Bid Bond shal be hand-carried, posted or e-mailed to KARI personnel or his
designee within the Bid Closing Date and Time.
- The price proposal shal be sealed.
- A deputy shal submit the power of attorney and a copy of his identification.
- The main Bid currency is EUR but other currency could be accepted.
- Bid closing Date and Time: February 21, 2023 16:00 Korean Local Time
- Bidders can attend the opening of Bid on the above date and time, in case a designee who has a
power of attorney signed by Qualified Bidders attend above process, he or she shal submit a
power of attorney letter and a certified identification to KARI.
4. Bid Bond
- Bidder shal establish a Bid Bond in favor of KARI before the Bid Closing Date and Time.
- The total amount of the Bid Bond shal be at least five percent (5%) of total Bid Price and shal be
valid for at least three (3) months after Bid Closing Date.
- The currency of Bid Bond is EUR but other currency could be accepted.
- The Bid Bond shal be in the form of a surety bond issued by the Seoul Guarantee Insurance
Company, in the form of an irrevocable standby letter of credit by first class international bank,
cash or other means of guarantee acceptable to KARI. In case of cash, bank guarantee, or the
irrevocable standby letter of credit, it shal be advised through “Woori Bank” (Daejeon Banking
center at 29 Munye-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 35241 Korea, Tel:+82-42-488-9704, Ext.312, Fax: +82-
505-003-2964, e-mail: efu0467@wooribank.com). In case of surety bond, it shal be advised
through “ Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company”, hand carried or posted to KARI. The bond shal
be available by KARI’s request on the Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company or by KARI’s draft at
sight drawn on the bank, accompanied by the statement of KARI stating that Bidder has refused
to enter into a contract with the terms and conditions in the Purchase Order as amended, if any,
that Bidder has hindered the fair bidding by fraud or mispresentation, or that Bidder has
withdrawn its Proposal after the Bid Closing Date.
- Al of the Bid Bonds wil be released promptly at the time of contract award by KARI without
5. Nullification of Bid
- This Bidding may be nul ified in accordance with Article 39(4) of ENFORCEMENT DECREE OF
6. Selection of Successful Bidder
- Currency shal be applied to the first notified Exchange Rate of KEB Hana Bank on the closing
date, within the estimated EURO budget mentioned above, and a Successful Bidder wil be
selected by the lowest Bid price.
- In case of equal price, a Successful Bidder shal be determined by means of drawing lots.
7. Notice
- The Bidder shal have a ful understanding of al matters necessary for this Bidding including the
Item Requirements prior to making a Bid and shal be responsible for any and al disadvantages
arising from insufficient understanding of matters necessary for this Bidding.
- Bidder shal prepare the Proposal in truth. In case that any content of the Proposal is founded to
be false later, KARI may terminate or cancel the Contract even after the Contract is concluded.
- Al documents submitted in response to the Item Requirements including the Proposal for this
Bidding shal not be returned.
- Al expenses incurred by Bidder in connection with this Bidding, including but not limited to the
Proposal, performance bond, etc, are for its own account and KARI wil not disclose the
evaluation result of Bidder’s Proposal.
- If any Bidder is bankrupted or insolvent as of the date of this Bid notice, such Bidder shal not be
al owed to participate in this Bidding.
- Bidders are required to keep confidential any data and information acquired in the Contract
award. If any Bidder violates it, such Bidder may assume civil and criminal liability, sanction for
inappropriate business entity, and other disadvantages (such as penalty for security violation,
subtraction of evaluation scores in future Biddings, etc.).
8. Main terms and conditions
- Payment: the payment wil be made by payment milestones (for instance, effective date of
Contract, final inspection, etc.) as wire transfer net 30 days.
- Delivery: CIP Incheon airport (INCOTERMS 2020)
- Warranty: one (1) year after delivery
- Performance bond: ten percent (10%) of total Contract Price
- Liquidated damages: For the late delivery, liquidated damages shal be applied at the rate of zero
point zero seven five percent (0.075%) of total Contract Price per day of delay, up to thirty
percent (30%) of total Contract Price.
9. Specifications
- Please refer to the Item Requirements attached.
10. Point of Contact
Contractual matters
Technical matters
Overseas Contracts Office
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
169-84 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu,
Daejeon 34133, Korea
Tel : +82-42-860-2649
Fax : +82-42-879-4370
e-mail : boram@kari.re.kr (Ms. Boram Jeong)
Smal Launch Vehicle Research Division
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)
169-84 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon, 34133 Korea
Tel : 82-42-860-2563
e-mail : jsl@kari.re.kr (Mr. Jun-Seong LEE)