September 26, 2022
Bid Notice (Re-Bid) < Ref. No. B20220560-00 >
(Original Ref. No. B20220435-00)
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the procurement of
Propulsion subsystem electrical (PS-E) for the GEO-KOMPSAT-3 program for a geostationary earth orbit satellite.
The following is an outline of the requirements, and potential Bidders are requested to carefully review the
following instructions and to submit their Proposals in accordance with the guidelines and requirements as
contained in the Request for Proposal (RFP).
1. Main Scope
- Item: Propulsion subsystem electrical (PS-E) for the GEO-KOMPSAT-3 program
- Estimated Budget: KRW 10,800,000,000
- Method of Contract: a limited competitive bid (Contract through Negotiation)
2. Qualification of Bidder
- Bidders shall be qualified under Article 12 (Qualifications for Participation in Competitive Tendering
Republic of Korea.
- Bidders shall have knowledge and first-hand experience in designing, manufacturing, integrating, and testing
of Propulsion subsystem electrical (PS-E) for the GEO-KOMPSAT-3 program as described in the RFP. Bidders
shall submit documents of proof on their relevant experience(s) in the development of Propulsion subsystem
electrical (PS-E) for the GEO-KOMPSAT-3 program in their proposals.
- Bidders shall be in possession of all the necessary licenses, in effect as of the Bid Closing Date and up to the
completion of the procurement.
- The qualifying statement for requirements and supporting materials shall be provided in the proposal.
Additional qualifying evidences may be requested to substantiate Bidder's claim during the evaluation.
- The qualification of Bidders is solely up to the KARI evaluation committee's decision, and unsuccessful Bidders
shall not raise any objection regarding the KARI evaluation committee's decision thereupon.
3. Registration of Intent
- Registration: submittal by formal letter of intent with proof of qualification
- A Bidder shall inform KARI of its intent within a period of one (1) week (by November 7, 2022, 6:00pm in
Korean local time) at the address provide this public notice. A registration of intent shall be made to the
contact information indicated in this notice by e-mail, registered post, courier or fax.
4. Distribution of RFP and Submittal of Proposal
- Distribution of RFP: KARI will provide the RFP package by email to Bidders who submitted their formal letter
of intent in time, and the Bidder shall inform KARI of the receipt of the RFP package within twenty-four (24)
hours after the receipt of the package.
- Bid Closing Date and Time: November 17, 2022 15:00 Korean Local Time
- Time and Place for Opening of Bid: To be informed, to take place at KARI
※ The proposal submitted after the designated date and time shall be considered as invalid.
- Proposals in hard copies in A4 size (For Proposal except for the price information – Ten (10) copies in addition
to one (1) original; For price proposal – Two (2) original proposals) and soft copies (two (2) sets of readable
documents (PDF preferred) in CDs or USBs) shall be submitted along with the bid bond, by hand-delivery or
via appropriate courier service to KARI personnel or his designee before the Bid Closing Date and Time. On
submission of proposal by Bidder’s deputy, one (1) power of attorney and a copy of his identification are
required to be presented.
- The Bid currency is KRW (However, other currency can be allowed).
- The proposal shall be made in English or Korean.
5. Bid Bond
- Bidder shall establish a bid bond in favor of KARI before the Bid Closing Date and Time. The total amount of
the bid bond shall be at least five percent (5%) of total bid price and shall be valid for six (6) months after Bid
Closing Date.
- The currency of bid bond is KRW (However, other currency can be allowed).
- The Bid Bond shall be in the form of a surety bond issued by the Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company, in the
form of an irrevocable standby letter of credit or bank guarantee by first class international bank, cash or
other means of gurantee acceptable to KARI. In case of surety bond, it shall be advised through “the Seoul
Guarantee Insurance Company”. In case of cash, bank guarantee, or the irrevocable standby letter of credit, it
shall be advised through “Woori Bank” (Daejeon Banking center at 29 Munye-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 35241
Korea, Tel:+82-42-488-9704, Ext.312, Fax: +82-505-003-2964, e-mail: The bond
shall be available by KARI’s request on the Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company or by KARI’s draft at sight
drawn on the bank, accompanied by the statement of KARI stating that the Bidder has refused to enter into a
contract with the terms and conditions in the Request for Proposal as amended, if any, that the Bidder has
hindered fair bidding by fraud or mispresentation, or that the Bidder has withdrawn its Proposal after the
Bid Closing Date.
6. Nullification of Bid
- This bidding may be nullified in accordance with Article 39(4) of ENFORCEMENT DECREE OF THE ACT ON
7. Evaluation of Proposal
- Evaluation of technical part: 80 points, evaluation of price: 20 points
- Unless otherwise specified herein, any necessary standards and procedures for the execution of the Contract
shall be in accordance with the “Standards of Execution of Contract by Negotiation” (the Ministry of Strategy
and Finance’s established rules on contracts) and the RFP.
- According to the “Standards of Execution of Contract by Negotiation” and the RFP, both technical part and
price part are evaluated. Through the evaluation of technical proposal, a Bidder who gets score exceeding
eighty five percent (85%) of score in technical part will be selected as Qualified Bidder . After the evaluation
of technical proposal, the Qualified Bidders shall be evaluated by price part. And then, the Qualified Bidders’
technical part evaluation score and bidding price evaluation score are put together. Top scorer will be the
Successful Bidder and the Qualified Bidders’ rank will be decided in accordance with the ranking of total
score (if the total score is the same, the Bidder with higher score in technical part is preferred to others).
- The Qualified Bidders may attend the evaluation of price proposal on the date and time informed by e-mail
and in case a deputy who is designated by Qualified Bidder attends above process, he or she shall submit a
power of attorney letter signed by Qualified Bidder and his/her certified identification to KARI. If Qualified
Bidders or any deputy cannot attend the evaluation of price proposal, a KARI’s employee who is not
connected to this bidding will attend and monitor the evaluation of price proposal.
※ The 1
basic rate of KEB Hana Bank on the date of price evaluation shall be applied for currency
8. Remarks
- The Bidder shall have a full understanding of all matters necessary for this Bidding including the RFP prior to
making a bid and shall be responsible for any and all disadvantages arising from insufficient understanding of
matters necessary for this Bidding.
- Bidder shall prepare the Proposal in truth. In case that any content of the Proposal is founded to be false
later, KARI may terminate or cancel the Contract even after the Contract is executed.
- All documents submitted in response to the RFP including the Proposal for this Bidding shall not be returned.
- All expenses incurred by Bidder in connection with its Proposal for this Bidding are for its own account and
KARI will not disclose the evaluation result of Bidder’s Proposal.
- If any Bidder is bankrupted or insolvent as of the date of this bid notice, such Bidder shall not be allowed to
participate in this Bidding.
- Bidders are required to keep confidential any data and information acquired in the Contract award. If any
Bidder violates it, such Bidder may assume civil and criminal liability, sanction for inappropriate business
entity, and other disadvantages (such as penalty for security violation, subtraction of evaluation scores in
future biddings, etc.).
- The RFP and Contract shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Republic of
9. Point of Contact for Bidding
Contractual matters
Technical matters
Overseas Contracts Office
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
169-84 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu,
Daejeon, 34133, Korea
Attn. : Ji-Young Lim (Ms)
Tel. : +82-42-860-2615, Fax : +82-42-870-4370
e-mail :
Satellite Technology Research & Development Division
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
169-84 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu,
Daejeon, 34133, Korea
Attn. : Su Kyum Kim (Mr)
Tel : +82-42-860-2458
e-mail :
For further details, please refer to the RFP Documents