

한-일 ISS 공동 실험 관련 의견 수렴 조사

안녕하십니까! 귀기관의 무궁한 발전을 기원합니다. 이 의견 수렴은 국제 우주 정거장 (ISS)설치된 일본의 실험 모듈 (JEM)인 키보(Kibo)에서 실험 가능한 연구 내용에 대해 개략적인 연구 계획 및 정보조사를 위한 것입니다.

한국항공우주연구원(KARI)은 우주 실험을 통한 유인 우주기술 확보 및 세계 우주 분야로의 한국의 위상을 드높이기 위해 많은 업무를 추진하고 있습니다. 특히 항우연은 일본 우주항공연구개발기구 (JAXA)와 2008년 4월 일본의 실험 모듈 JEM이 국제우주정거장 (ISS)에 설치됨에 따라, 한국에서 미세중력 실험 Item을 선정하여 2012년경 한-일 공동실험을 추진할 계획입니다. 공동 실험의 내용은 한국이 일본의 실험모듈 내 우주실험장비에 인터페이스 되는 MUE(Mission Unique Equipment)를 개발하고 일본은 이 장비에 대한 발사와 운영을 담당하며, 이 실험에 대한 결과는 양국이 공유할 계획입니다.

본 의견 수렴은 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI) 미세중력을 활용한 우주실험 기반기술 연구의 위탁과제로 서울대학교에서 ISS 활용 우주실험방안 및 국제협력 방안 도출이라는 과제의 일환으로 실시하는 것입니다.

본 조사의 주 목적은 ISS JEM에 설치되어 있는 장비를 이용해 한국에서 개발 가능한 연구 내용과 한국에서 개발하고자 하는 장비(MUE)에 대한 정보를 요청하고, 이를 KARI JAXA에 제공하고자합니다. 이렇게 조사된 내용들은 한-일 ISS 협력 우주 실험을 실현시키기 위한 추진 전략을 수립하기 위한 귀중한 자료로 활용될 계획입니다. 이 의견수렴이 끝난 후 공식적인 AO (Announcement of Opportunity)를 실시할 예정입니다.

바쁘시더라도 우리나라가 ISS에서의 우주실험을 통한 우주산업의 발전을 위하여 본 의견수렴 조사에 적극적인 협조를 부탁드립니다. 본 내용과 같이 연구계획서 (첨부 1) 와 JEM 내 사용가능한 실험 장치의 개략 (첨부 2)에 관한 내용도 첨부를 하였습니다. 이 중 JEM 내 대표적인 실험 장치이며 2010년 이후 우주실험에 사용될 JAXA가 한국측에 사용을 추천하고 있는 장치는 Multi-Purpose Small Rack입니다. 우주실험에 있어 실험 장치의 크기 및 필요전력 등 많은 부분에서 제약 요건이 있으므로 첨부된 장치의 사양을 꼭 참조하시기 바라며 항우연과 일본 JAXA측에 문의할 내용도 알려주시기 바랍니다.

우주실험 연구계획서의 구체적인 작성이 어려운 경우 간략한 작성이라도 부탁드리겠습니다. 기타 문의 사항은 아래의 담당자에 연락주시기 바랍니다.

마지막으로 본 의견수렴에 대한 응답 내용은 향후 한-일 ISS 실험 관련 분석을 위한 참고자료로만 활용될 것이며, 인적사항에 대해서는 관련 법률에 따라 철저히 보호됨을 약속드립니다.

주관기관: 한국항공우주연구원

위탁기관: 서울대학교

담당자: 최 재 혁, ☎ 02) 880-1706, Fax: 02) 889-1842, e-mail: jhhair@hanmail.net

<첨부 1>

작성자의 인적 사항 : 해당사항을 기재해 주십시오.

기 관 명


성명(소속부서; 직위)

성명: (부서) (직위)

연 락 처

전화: Fax: e-mail:

연 구 계 획 서 (1/3)

1. 연구 제목 / 분야 (ex.연소, 재료 등)

2. 연구책임자 / 공동연구자

성 명:

소 속:

주 소:

Tel: Fax:


3. 일본측 연구책임자 / 공동연구자 (다수인 경우 모두 기재 요망)

성 명:

소 속:

주 소:

Tel: Fax:


4. 일본측 연구자와 개략적인 연구협력 방안 (ex. 일본에서의 공동연구 예정일정 및 사용할 실험 설비 (낙하탑, parabolic 행기 등) - 해당시 기입바람

* 페이지는 자유롭게 추가해서 작성 가능

연 구 계 획 서 (2/3)


5. JEM 내 사용할 설비(ex. MPSR (Multi Purpose Small Rack))

6. 연구요약

7. 배경 및 목적

8.실험 내용

9.MUE(Mission Unique Equipment)에 대한 개략적인 설명 (무게, 크기, 전원, 데이터 인터페이스, 가스공급, 냉각수공급, 냉각, 가열 등)

10. 기대 및 파급 효과

11. 미세 중력 실험 경험 유무 및 유사 실험 장치 개발 경험, 능력 및 인력

12. 우주 실험에 대한 질문

* 페이지는 자유롭게 추가해서 작성 가능

연 구 계 획 서 (3/3)

단위 만원

12. 추정 예산

연 도

항 목







합 계





총 합 계*

<첨부 2>

Table 1. Available facilities to install MUE for JAXA-KARI ISS experiments



N. B

Multi Purpose Small RACK(candidate)

General purpose rack

From 2010


FPEF(Fluid Physics Experiment Facility)

SPCF(Solution/Protein Crystal Growth Facility)

Already on board


CBEF(Cell Biology Experiment Facility)

CB(Clean Bench)

Already on board


GHF(Gradient Heating Furnace)

Available from 2010. Autumn

*For more details on facilities, refer to http://kibo.jaxa.jp/en/experiment/

1. FPEF (Fluid Physics Experiment Facility)



Experiment facility to investigate fluid physics phenomena in a micro-gravity environment

The FPEF consists of the core section and the mission section. The core section has observing equipment, the control equipment, and miscellaneous experiment support systems. The mission section called as the "Experiment Cell", is exchangeable according to the purpose of the experiment and corresponds to MUE. The FPEF's observation capabilities include liquid bridge overview observation, three- dimensional flow field observations, surface- temperature measurement, ultrasonic velocity profile measurement, and surface-flow rate observation.

Resources for experiments

Various resources provided to users

The FPEF provides users' experiment cells with electrical resources through electrical connectors and fluid resources through Quick Disconnect (QD)s. [Electrical Resources] ·Power ·Signal ·Video etc. [Fluid Resources] ·Ar gas ·Water coolant

Users can conduct a variety of fluid experiments utilizing these resources.

Experiment operation

Flexible experiment operations and provided experiment image data

Experiment Data &Image Data Downlink/Command Uplink (DRTS communication line)

Users can conduct their experiments most appropriately by commanding experiment parameter changes from the ground.

Users can monitor both the status of experiment data measured by each sensor and the experiment image data via a satellite circuit in real time.

The experiment image data are downlinked to the ground for real-time monitor, and at the same time, recorded on the built-in digital Hard disk recorder for later analysis.

User Interfaces

Power source 12 ± 2 [V], 4 [A] (Max.), 1 ch

24 ± 2 [V], 3.5 [A] (Max.), 1 ch

15 ± 0.5 [V], 0.8 [A] (Max.) / ch, 3 ch

Power control 4 to 65 [V] / 5 to 180 [W], 3 ch

1 to 30 [V] / 5 to 180 [W], 1 ch

Solenoid valve interface 24 ± 2 [V], 1.3 [A] (Max.), 3 ch

Motor drive interface 24 [V], 3 [A], 4 ch (Model PK543-A)

Analog interface 0 to 10 [V], 8 ch

Digital interface (input) 8 ch

Digital interface (output) 8 ch

Contact interface 15 ch

Pt sensor interface 5 ch

Thermocouple interface 6 ch (K type Thermocouple)

CCD camera interface 1 ch (Model IK-TU40D)

Video interface 2 ch (NTSC)

Envelope 230(W) x 580(L) x 363(H) [mm]

Note: A portion of above envelope includes space

user can't use.

Argon gas supply 88.2 [kPa] to 101.3 [kPa], 20 [NL/min]

Cooling water 8.5 [kg/h], in 16 to 23 [deg.C], out up to 43 [deg.C]

Waste gas 0.13 [Pa] to 101 [kPa]

Maximum supply power 255 [W] (TBD)

(Exhaust heat)

Mass Up to 38 kg

2. SPCF (Solution/Protein Crystal Growth Facility)

Solution/Protein Crystal Growth Facility (SPCF)

Solution Crystallization Observation Facility(SCOF)

Protein Crystallization Research Facility(PCRF)

An in-situ observation facility with versatile diagnostics like interference microscopes.

PCRF provides "tailor-made" harvesting.

A Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interference microscope enables precise measurements of growth conditions. Various options are available.

The SCOF has an amplitude modulation (AM) microscope and is equipped with two wavelength interference microscope to simultaneously measure changes in morphology and growth conditions (temperature and concentration). Researchers can freely design experiment-unique cartridges. Interfaces for temperature control and measurement, pressure control and measurement, control of the cell stage, evacuation, and N2 gas supply are available. A Michelson interference microscope and Dynamic Light Scattering are also available as options.


(A) MZ Interference Microscope

The MZ interference microscope employs two wavelength light sources and can simultaneously measure distributions of temperature and concentration in a solution.

(B) AM, Polarizing, and Bright-Field Microscopes

Amplitude modulation (AM), polarizing, and bright-field microscopes can observe crystal shapes, surfaces, etc.

Cell Cartridges

Cell cartridges corresponds to MEU.

Cell cartridges with standard dimensions of 220 mm in diameter and 65 mm in height are available. Temperature control (-10 to 220 deg .C), pressure control (1 to 147 MPa), and atmosphere control (vacuum or N2 gas supply) are possible.


SCOF supports "tele-science" operation by monitoring growing crystals. Experiment parameters can be changed by sending commands from the ground.

Mach-Zehnder Interference Microscope


x2, x4

Light source

LD and solid-state laser diode (λ=532 nm, 780 nm)

Phase resolution

More than 0.2 λ

Spatial resolution

More than 3.1 μm (x4), 7 μm (x2)

CCD image sensor size

1/2 inch

Amplitude Modulation Microscopes


x2, x4

Light source

LED (λ=660 nm)

Phase resolution

More than 0.2 λ

Spatial resolution

More than 4.2 µm

Direction of illumination

Transmitted or Refracted (switchable)

CCD image sensor size

1/2 inch

User Interface

Temperature control

Peltier element (4.2 A Max/ch, 13 A Max/12 ch)

Temp. Measurement

Thermistor (standard or high-precision measurement),Thermocouple (K, J type)

Pressure control

1 to 147.1 MPa (Note: Pressurizing hardware will be prepared and designed by user or user integrator)

Pressure measurement

0 to 147.1 MPa (Precision: ±1 %FS)

Gas evacuation

101 kPa to 0.13 Pa

N2 supplied pressure

0 to 827 kPa

Peltier elements provide temperature profiles suitable for target proteins. Monitoring with CCD camera is possible.

The PCRF has six cell cartridges. Since each cell cartridge has a motor drive and Peltier elements, activation and termination timing as well as temperature profiles can be freely designed. An experimental profile appropriate for each protein can be established. A CCD camera enables real-time monitoring of crystal growth. Cell cartridges corresponds to MUE.

3. CBEF (Cell Biology Experiment Facility)

: CO2 gas incubator with controlled temperature and humidity

The Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) is used for various life science experiments such as cultivating cells, plants, and so on in the JEM Pressurized Module. CBEF consists of an incubator and control equipment for CBEF control and communication.

And incubator unit consists of a µG compartment and a 1G compartment . 1G compartment has a centrifuge that can control gravity from 0.1 to 2.0 G for gravity contrast experiment with the µG compartment. Experiment unit are set in containment canister and installed in the CBEF.

Incubator can control temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration for cultivation.

Temperature control : 15 deg. C to 40 deg. C

Humidity control : 20 % RH to 80 % RH

CO2 concentration : 0 vol % to 10 vol


:Gravity Contrast Experiment


CBEF consists of the following two compartments for cultivation, so, gravity contrast experiments can be performed easily.

µG compartment : microgravity condition 1 G compartment : controlled 0.1 G to 2.0 G

The centrifuge can control gravity artificially.

Designed Specifications

µG Compartment

1G Compartment


number of connector for canisters





Condition Control

Canister Heat

15 to 40 deg. C (0.1 deg. C step)

Thermal setting


± 1 deg. C

Thermal distribution

20 to 80 % RH (1 % step)Note Depends on outside of CBEF condition

Humidity setting

±10 % RH

Humidity distribution

0 to10 % Vol (0.1 % step)

CO2 Concentration



Gravity resorce

0.1 to 2 G (at 112.5 mm radius point)Note Rotation setting 20 rpm to 140 rpm (1 rpm step)

Gravity setting

Power DC + 5 V :1

DC + 12 V:1

DC -15 V:1

DC + 15 V:1

Sensor output 0 - 5 V:2

command 1 bit:2

shield GND

Standard JEM Video Specification:1

User Interface


4. GHF (Gradient Heating Furnace)

Temperature Controllable Vacuum Chamber at 1600 deg. C.

Outline of GHF

The Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF) is a vacuum furnace that contains three heating blocks. Their positions and temperatures can be independently controlled, and various temperature profiles can be realized. This facility will be mainly used for high quality crystal growth experiments using unidirectional solidification. GHF has an automatic sample exchange system that can be accommodate up to 15 samples to reduce crew operation.

Heating Profile

: The three independent heating zone can realize various temperature profiles to meet with variety of experiments from researchers

Various experiments can be realized with high temperature (Max.1600 deg. C) and highly stable temperature accuracy.

Central Zone: 500 to 1600 deg. C, End Zone: 500 to 1600 deg. C

Auxiliary Zone: 500 to 1150 deg. C, Temperature Stability: ±0.2 deg. C

Install samples

Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mechanism (SCAM)

Experiments can be performed automatically by installing

15 sample cartridges (Max.) in SCAM

5. MPSR (Multi Purpose Small Rack)

Multi Purpose Small payload Rack (MPSR) has 2 workspaces and a work table. They can be almost equally used as a laboratory on the groundputting equipments freely and easily, using general interfaces of power supply, communication and videos. MPSR can be used for widely fields of space environment utilization including science and educational missions.

Work Volume (WV)

A workspace for some size of experiments. Candidates are the Aquatic Habitat experiments and the combustion experiments. Its volume is about 350L. Within its function, WV can also accommodate other equipments for science and educational missions. User equipments can be easily and freely installed using velcros, fasteners and pins etc.

Workbench (WB)

A work table for crews maintaining user equipments, exchanging samples and reviewing data etc. Its area is about 0.5m2. WB is only work table in JEM and can be stored into the rack when it is not in use. Power for LAPTOP PC is also available.

Small Experiment Area (SEA)

A space for small size experiment which do not need much resources such as crystallization experiments. Its volume is about 70L. Vibration isolation from WV and crew could be accommodated.


Set up near WV. It is used for the users software and experimental conditions, downlink of experimental data from JEM and controlling users equipments on orbit.

Chamber for Combustion Experiments

A double enclosed chamber for the combustion and other experiments that needs enclosed and/or exhaust systems in JEM. It can be set up into WV. At the use of combustion experiments, users equipment assembly (including combustion room, sample gases, cameras etc.) is accommodated into that vessel and enclosed.




Work Volume WV)

A workspace for the experiments, such as Aquatic Habitat experiments and the combustion experiments. And also accommodate other equipments for science and educational missions within its function. Dimensions600mm(H)*900mm(W)*660mm(D)(356[L]) Functions & Properties

N2 gas supply and exhaust line of JEM are available. Capable of Exhaust heat

250W for JEM Avionics Air Assembly(AAA)

450W for Cold Plate

Smoke detection from the usersnts.

Cutting off the power supply at emergency.

Relieving the requirement level of noises and electricemissions from users equipments.

Small Experiment Area SEA)

A volume for small size experiment which do not need much resources such as crystallization experiments. Dimensions300mm(H)*440mm(W)*516mm(D) (68[L]) Functions & Properties

Capable of Exhaust heat

100W for JEM Avionics Air Assembly(AAA)

Smoke detection of the users

Cutting off the power supply at emergency.

Relieving the requirement level of noises and emissions users equipments.

Workbench (WB)

A work table for crews maintaining user equipments, exchanging samples and reviewing data etc. Dimensions:900mm(W)*600mm(D) (0.54[m2])

Functions & Properties

Putting in storage into the rack when it is not in use. Power for LAPTOP PC is available.

Enclosed Chamber

Chamber for Combustion Experiments

A double enclosed vessel for the combustion and other experiments that needs enclosed and/or exhaust systems in JEM. CapacityMore than 100[L]

Functions & Properties

No damage is found in the case of 100[L]gas (at normal temperature and pressure) leakage.

All functions and resources for WV are available.

Users Interfaces


Supplied interfaces 28[VDC], 16[VDC], 5[VDC] Power Supply Work Volume and Small Experiment Area

Total 600[W] Workbench 100[W] (16[VDC] for LAPTOP PC)


As MPSR, one of followings is available (recorded, downlink). NTSC video*3[ch] or

High-definition televisionHDTV)*1[ch]


Protocol Ethernet, USB 2.0

Users equipments LAPTOP, PC,LAPTOP PC Users on the ground.